The world of Woodcraft: Why you cannot miss the virtual International Woodcraft Gathering on 8-9 June, 2024.

Why you cannot miss the virtual International Woodcraft Gathering which is coming in two weeks!

The preparatory team led by Julie Seton has been preparing the gathering for over one year. We are pleased that a number of presenters have heard our call for abstracts and offered a bunch of very interesting presentations. The abstracts have been divided into four sections and they will be shown on ZOOM in those sections within Saturday, June 8,  – beginning at  8 am US Mountain time/4pm Central European time and Sunday, June 9 – beginning at 6 am US MT/2pm CET.

Do not miss the chance to meet your fellow Woodcrafters from all over the world and learn lots of new things. Watch for the ZOOM link and all the necessary information,

The programme is as follows:

Saturday, June 8,  2024

The section of CULTURE

Hellos from all groups

Walking My Grandfather’s Path in Baby Steps

Tribe life from Czechia

Woodcrafting today

Czech Woodcraft practices Essay

Woodcraft resources research – workshop

Woodcraft in Poland – Drzewianie Tribe


Archive adventure from 2nd half of 20th century


The section of TRADITION


Ernest Thompson Seton’s Native American Friends and Colleagues

Culture away from its home – the responsibilities in usage of other peoples heritage

A Woodcraft Legacy Endures


Three Generations of Woodcraft

Woodcraft around the world – traditional similarities and local differences


Sunday, June 9 2024


The section of NATURE


The Englishman Starts a Fire

What is Nature?

Short interlude: Can you identify this plant?

Tracking in Woodcraft

Woodcraft Gathering Poem

The Woodcraft Expedition of 1927

How to build a teepee

Activities in Biegnacy Wilk (Running Wolf) “centre”

Birdwatching for Woodcrafters

Unveiling the Teepee Smoker: A Culinary Journey and Woodcraft Legacy

The section of COMMUNITY


Philosophy and activities of Ernest Thompson Seton Institute


Seton on the Web


Seton Scout Naturalist program

Trilobit tribe clubhouse visit

Buffalo song

Moderated debate on our next steps


We are looking forward to seeing you in the international circle of Woodcrafters.


Blue sky!

Julie Seton and the preparatory team of the IWG24