By Gabriel Palma, National Scout Chief, Unión de Scout Tradicionales de Argentina

Gabriel Palma
Since the abrupt stop to our activities due to COVID-19, we, like the rest of the world, face
the challenges of finding alternative ways to train leaders to be more confident and to find new
activities to engage our youth. We started to work via Zoom with children and teens and the
response was so positive that we decided to extend that to adults.
Our National Communication Team started a project called “Founders Month” to find people
with ties to Scouting heritage to talk with us. We found people who have directly or
indirectly made significant contributions to Scouting and to our own Unión de Scout
Tradicionales de Argentina (USTA). “Founders Month” started with a series of
videoconferences, open to all Scouts internationally regardless of their association. Thus far, we
have held 21 events.
One of our first responses came from the Ernest Thompson Seton Institute. We found out
that very few people knew about Seton in Argentina. Personally, I knew a little bit about Seton
because I read his books when I was young and loved them. They left a lasting impression on
On the day of the interview, I was happy and nervous as we connected via Zoom with the
interviewee. We found her to be a humble, likable, and sweet person who wiped out my nervousness
with her kindness. Why was I nervous? She is Dr. Julie Seton, the granddaughter of
Seton! Her presentation about the Woodcraft movement taught me so much more than I
had known.
I have always been intrigued by the idea of Woodcraft and I have dreamed
of learning it and sharing it with USTA Scouts. In USTA, we feel that today’s society and
high tech have cut us off from nature. I firmly believe that Woodcraft can help us. It is
going to be awesome to learn!
USTA is a member of the Order of World Scouts with a deep commitment to Scout
principles and Law. Our organization has three important principles UNION, SERVICE, and
FREEDOM. Our motto is “Tradición con corazón joven”. We are an apolitical non-profit
organization open to all beliefs. Visit us on FaceBook at
Thanks to May Martinella for providing the translation from Spanish to English.
I’m sure that Dr. Seton’s grandfather is proud of her work!